David Shrigley I Am Elegant / Screenprint / signed, numbered / edition 125

Year: 2021
Format: 56 x 76 cm / 22 x 29.9 inch
Material: Quality Stock Paper
Method: Screenprint
Edition: 125
Other: signed, numbered on COA

David Shrigley I Am Elegant, Siebdruck, signiert, Auflage 125

David Shrigley I Am Elegant / Screenprint / signed, numbered / edition 125

Year: 2021
Format: 56 x 76 cm / 22 x 29.9 inch
Material: Quality Stock Paper
Method: Screenprint
Edition: 125
Other: signed, numbered on COA

David Shrigley – I am elegant, I am oh so very very elegant.

Year: 2021
Format: 56 x 76 cm / 22 x 29.9 inch
Material: Quality Stock Paper
Method: Screenprint
Edition: 125
Other: signed, numbered on COA

David Shrigley - I Am Elegant I am oh so very very elegant (Red Cat)

David Shrigley’s lithograph featuring a red cat alongside the text “I Am Elegant I Am Oh So Very Very Elegant” is a whimsical and ironic commentary on self-perception and the nature of elegance. The image combines Shrigley’s characteristic humor and simplicity, offering a playful yet incisive take on vanity and self-assurance.

The red cat, drawn in Shrigley’s distinctive, almost naive style, stands out immediately with its bold color against the plain background. The cat’s form is rudimentary, lacking the detailed finesse one might expect in a traditional depiction of elegance. This contrast between the simplistic drawing and the grandiose statement creates a humorous dissonance that is central to the piece’s charm.

The text, “I Am Elegant I Am Oh So Very Very Elegant,” is scrawled in Shrigley’s familiar handwritten font, emphasizing the casual, almost flippant declaration of the cat’s supposed elegance. This repetition of “very” amplifies the cat’s exaggerated self-importance, making the proclamation both amusing and endearing. The humor lies in the absurdity of the statement when juxtaposed with the intentionally crude illustration, inviting the viewer to question what true elegance really is.

Shrigley’s work often delves into themes of human behavior and societal norms, and this lithograph is no exception. By attributing such a lofty sentiment to a plainly drawn cat, Shrigley mocks the sometimes arbitrary and subjective nature of what we consider elegant or sophisticated. The piece suggests that elegance is as much about attitude and self-perception as it is about outward appearance.

Moreover, the choice of a red cat is significant. Red is a color often associated with boldness, confidence, and vitality, further enhancing the cat’s self-proclaimed elegance. The use of color in an otherwise monochromatic style adds a layer of visual interest and draws attention to the cat’s confident assertion.

In “I Am Elegant I Am Oh So Very Very Elegant,” Shrigley blends humor with insightful social commentary. The lithograph challenges the viewer to reflect on the nature of self-assessment and the often ludicrous ways in which we perceive and project our own qualities. It’s a playful yet thought-provoking piece that encapsulates Shrigley’s talent for turning simple drawings and straightforward text into a profound artistic statement.

David Shrigley’s quick-witted drawings and hand-rendered text are typically deadpan in their humor, revealing random utterances like snippets of overheard conversations. Recurring themes and thoughts run through his narratives, capturing childlike views of the world, the perspective of aliens and monsters, or the compulsive habits of a loud-screaming eavesdropper. While drawing is central to his practice, Shrigley also works in a wide range of media, including sculpture, large-scale installation, animation, painting, photography, and music. Shrigley is always looking to expand his audience by operating outside the gallery sphere, including through the production of artist publications and collaborative music projects.

Ihr Ansprechpartner
Frank Fluegel
E-Mail: info(at)frankfluegel.com
Ihr Ansprechpartner
Frank Fluegel
E-Mail: info(at)frankfluegel.com
David Shrigley I Am Elegant / Screenprint / signed, numbered / edition 125

Year: 2021
Format: 56 x 76 cm / 22 x 29.9 inch
Material:Quality Stock Paper
Other:signed, numbered on COA
Obere Wörthstrasse 12
90403 Nürnberg
Phone: +49 (0) 911-78 72 330
Cell: +49 (0) 172-81 20 255